

Smiling student

At Rose State, small class size means you're a person, not a number.

Two students watching a 3D printer in the FabLab

"Students at four-year universities don’t realize for the first two years they're going to sit on the bench. At Rose, hands-on learning starts on day one."

— Rose State Faculty Member
Mathematics professor explaining work shown on a chalkboard

"We have the highest-quality instruction across the board – online, everything."

— Rose State Dean
Respiratory students and professor viewing chest xrays

"We have fantastic faculty – in fact, we have faculty. Not graduate assistants."

— Rose State Dean

Faculty & Staff

Full-Time Faculty

General Information

Adobe Acrobat Assistance:  Discover all the things your PDF can do  Explore all the features and tools!  Convert, edit, and share your PDF.

VPN Setup Information:
There are 4 links for the Rose State VPN Client. First two are for Windows 7-10 and the next two are for MAC Version 10.13 or newer. The .PDF file is the step by step instructions on how to download and open the zip file and the instructions for setting up the zip file. The other link is the zip file for the application install.

Campus Directory: Campus Directory

Emergency Procedures: All employees need to be familiar with Emergency Procedures. Although information is posted in each room, procedures are also available at this website: Emergency Procedures (PDF)

Faculty College Transcripts: Official transcripts have to be on file in the Human Resources Office, ADM 102.

Foundation: The Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, benevolent, educational, and scientific purposes in support of Rose State College. The two main areas of focus for Foundation support are student scholarships and enhancements of academic programs. RSC Foundation

Full-Time Class Fee Benefit: Rose State College will pay 100 percent of the tuition for up to six (6) credit hours per semester and six (6) credit hours per summer term for regular Rose State College employees (employed 50 percent or more). Tuition waivers will be available for two dependents of each Rose State College regular employee for up to twelve credit hours per regular semester and nine credit hours per summer semester. The fee waiver can be renewed for a student in good standing. The waiver does not cover repeated enrollments in the same courses except for HPER.

Inclement Weather Cancellation: The decision to cancel day classes due to inclement weather will be made by 6:30 a.m.; the decision to cancel evening classes by 3:30 p.m. All major media outlets will be notified of class cancellations. If power is available, class cancellations will be noted in an alert here on the website.

Outlook on the Web via Microsoft 365: You may access your Email account through a web browser at

Outlook Signature Standards:  All employees are to follow the standards for content and formatting of an Outlook signature using the RSC logo and tag line.  Particularly, use of quotes and sayings as well as other graphic elements are prohibited.  View instructions/guidelines for an Outlook signature (PDF.

Responding & Referring Someone in Distress:
As professors teaching in the classroom, you may have the first opportunity to observe a student who is in distress or crisis.  The link below will assist in deciding how best to assist students in distress or crisis. "Responding & Referring Someone in Distress" (PDF)

Payroll: Upon employment, faculty members must sign appropriate documents at the Payroll Office. At this time, the faculty may obtain direct deposit services.

Policies and Procedures Manual: The Rose State College Policies and Procedures Manual, eighth edition, is available to all faculty and staff on line at this link: Policies and Procedures Manual. As a searchable PDF document, employees can find information regarding such items as the acceptable grading system, employee benefits, practices and procedures the College uses to do its business, among others.

Grants and Contracts:  Finding money to do something unique is always a challenge. Fortunately, Rose State College has an office that can help to find and write grants to support our teaching. This link will direct you to that office: Grants and Contracts

Copy Work: Duplication services are available on campus through the copy center located in the Student Center. No provision for reimbursement for copy work is available. Copy work order forms are available in your division office. Division offices will provide account numbers. Note that approval must be obtained for more than 500 copies. You should allow 24 hours for your work to be returned to your faculty mailbox. Email your copy request and the file to be copied to:  In your message, provide complete instructions (single side or front and back, number of copies, stapled/collated, etc.).

Technology Information

Rose State College is fortunate to have an Information Technology Services Department which is second to none. If you have needs for troubleshooting a problem with the instructor's computer in the classroom or would like to take advantage of on-campus faculty and staff workshops, specifics are available at the IT Services website on the internal web page.

Audiovisual Services:  The Audiovisual Services department houses the Learning Resources Center's computer lab and audiovisual collection, including video recordings. The catalog, instruction on how to obtain audiovisual services in your classroom, and other information is available at this link: Audiovisual Services

Campus Systems:  Follow this link to view information about various campus systems: Campus Systems

Cisco Phone System: Feature-by-feature tutorials for both the single line 7940 and the multi-line 7960 IP phones: Cisco Phone Tutorials

Computer and Web Policy Information: The College encourages its faculty to provide current information in their classes. Technology has become an integral part of instruction to reach this goal. However, the College must maintain strict policies to ensure the legality of this use. If you have questions regarding acceptable use of technology in the classroom, consult this link: Computer and Web Policy Information

Instructional Design: Providing assistance with graphics, video, and other technology to enhance classroom instruction. Use WebCT to supplement an on-campus course or to develop an Internet course.

Instructional Design Information:

Online Journal of Distance Education Administration
The Sloan Consortium


Wireless Access

Student Involvement Opportunities

Honors Program: Many of Rose State College's students excel in their classes. An Honors Program is available for students to earn honors credit. The website provides details about how to participate in this program. Honors Program

Service Learning: Rose State College supports service learning. Faculty provide opportunities to become involved in civic activities which are related to the content of the courses they teach. If you would like your students to participate in this activity, click the link below to the Service Learning web page. Service Learning

Student Organizations: Many of these which are directly related to academic programs, have become prevalent on campus, particularly since the initiation of service learning. Information is provided at the link below about establishing a student organization as well as a listing of all student organizations and how to become involved. Student Organizations